Autor: J. K. ROWLING
¡El tercer libro de la exitosa serie de Harry Potter, ahora ilustrado a todo color por el galardonado artista Jim Kay!
Durante doce largos años, la temible fortaleza de Azkaban sostuvo a un infame prisionero llamado Sirius Black. Condenado por matar a trece personas con una sola maldición, se decía que era el heredero aparente del Señor Oscuro, Voldemort.
Harry Potter no está a salvo, ni siquiera dentro de las paredes de su escuela mágica, rodeado de sus amigos. Porque encima de todo, puede haber un traidor en medio de ellos.
The third book in the hit Harry Potter series, now illustrated in full color by award-winning artist Jim Kay!
For twelve long years, the fearsome fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Condemned for killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort.
Harry Potter is not safe, not even within the walls of his wizarding school, surrounded by his friends. Because on top of everything, there may be a traitor in their midst.