¡Pobre Greg! Definitivamente, está atravesando por una mala racha. Su mejor amigo, Rowley Jefferson, pasa de él desde que se ha echado novia. La cosa está tan mal que hasta Manny, su hermano pequeño, tiene más amigos que él.
Sin embargo, Greg no piensa rendirse y está dispuesto a todo con tal de convertirse, de una vez por todas, en el tío más popular del colegio. ¿Cambiará su suerte o su vida está destinada a ser el drama de un pringao?
Poor Greg! He is definitely going through a rough patch. His best friend, Rowley Jefferson, has been on him ever since he got a girlfriend. Things are so bad that even Manny, his little brother, has more friends than him.
However, Greg is not going to give up and is willing to do anything to become, once and for all, the most popular guy in school. Will his luck change or is his life destined to be a loser's drama?