Mejor no preguntarle a Greg qué tal lo ha pasado durante las vacaciones de verano, porque no quiere ni oír hablar del asunto. De hecho, al empezar el nuevo curso Greg está deseando olvidar los últimos tres meses de su vida, en particular cierto acontecimiento...Por desgracia para él, su hermano mayor Rodrick lo sabe todo sobre ese incidente que él querría enterrar para siempre. Y es que todos los secretos acaban saliendo a la luz...sobre todo cuando hay un diario de por medio.
Best not to ask Greg how his summer vacation was, because he doesn't even want to hear about it. In fact, at the start of the new term, Greg is looking forward to forgetting the last three months of his life, in particular a certain event... Unfortunately for him, his older brother Rodrick knows everything about that incident that he would like to bury. forever. And it is that all the secrets end up coming to light... especially when there is a newspaper involved.